Talks between Xi, Putin ‘very successful’: Chinese minister

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Putin, who is on a visit to China, attended Friday’s opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games….reports Asian Lite News

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng on Saturday informed that the talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin were “very successful”.

Le told reporters that Friday’s talks were rich in content and yielded fruitful results.

In recent years, the two leaders of China and Russia held talks about 38 times and communicated with each other over 100 times through various means including phone calls and letters, Xinhua news agency reported. This is unique among leaders of major countries, Le said.

“In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, President Xi and President Putin had an in-depth and thorough exchange of views on China-Russia relations and a series of major issues concerning global development and stability, drawing up a blueprint and charting the course for China-Russia relations under the new historical conditions,” he said.

The two presidents issued a joint statement, which will have an important and far-reaching impact on improving the global governance system under the new situation, Le said, adding that the joint statement has become the most important political achievement of their meeting on Friday.

China and Russia signed nearly 20 documents on cooperation in areas including economy and trade, investment, energy and sports, laying a solid foundation for deepening bilateral pragmatic cooperation.

Putin, who is on a visit to China, attended Friday’s opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

Xi described Putin’s visit as a fulfilled commitment to a “get-together for the Winter Olympics.” He shared his belief that Friday’s “Spring Festival meeting” will add fresh vitality to China-Russia relations.

He underscored that in response to an international landscape full of profound and complex evolution, China and Russia have stayed committed to deepening strategic coordination of mutual support and standing shoulder to shoulder for international fairness and justice.

Xi highlighted China’s readiness to work with Russia to fully leverage the political advantage of their bilateral ties to make their all-round practical cooperation still more fruitful, added the statement.

He said that the two sides need to implement the Road Map of High-Quality Development of Goods and Services Trade, deepen cooperation in areas including agriculture, green trade, medicine and health, and digital economy, and enhance transport infrastructure connectivity to keep logistics on the Eurasian continent smooth and the global industrial and supply chains stable. He stressed further to synergize Belt and Road cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union.

Meanwhile, Putin expressed his delight at attending upon invitation the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.

“I believe that with meticulous preparations, the Chinese people will offer the world the best Winter Olympic experience,” said Putin. “I look forward to the brilliant performance of Russian and Chinese athletes at the Games.”

President Putin sincerely congratulated China on the great development achievements made by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, said the statement.

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