Saudi Arabia backs US efforts to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons

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Saudi Cabinet members praised US President Joe Biden for expressing “US commitment to supporting the Kingdom in its defense of its lands and citizens and meeting Saudi Arabia’s defensive needs…reports Asian Lite News

The Saudi government on Tuesday pledged its support for “US efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.”

It also thanked America for supporting the Kingdom in defending its territory against attacks by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi group, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The government announcement came in a statement issued following a Cabinet meeting held at Yamamah Palace in Riyadh and chaired by King Salman.

Cabinet members praised US President Joe Biden for expressing “US commitment to supporting the Kingdom in its defense of its lands and citizens and meeting Saudi Arabia’s defensive needs,” which, they agreed, would increase joint efforts to preserve security and stability in the Kingdom and the region.

The Cabinet also reaffirmed that the country was committed to de-escalating tensions in the region and supporting American efforts to stop Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons and stressed the need to work together to counter the destabilizing activities of Iran’s proxies in the region.

Talks on a new nuclear accord with Iran are underway in Vienna amid growing Western fears about Tehran’s accelerating nuclear advances, seen by Western powers as irreversible unless a deal is struck soon.

Acting Minister of Media Dr. Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi, said the Cabinet appreciated the chorus of condemnation by regional and international countries and organizations of recent Houthi attempts to target civilians at Abha airport which he described as “a violation of international law, war crime, and continuation of the terrorist Houthi militia’s hostile approach, representing its refusal to comply with calls for peace.”

Twelve people, including two Saudis, had been injured in the drone attack that was launched by the Houthi militia on Saturday.

The council of ministers reiterated the Kingdom’s commitment to reach a comprehensive political solution in Yemen to achieve security and development in the country, continue to provide humanitarian aid for the Yemeni people and reconstruction efforts.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of the Cabinet meeting, the ministers were briefed on communications held with the king and crown prince and a number of world leaders during the past days that dealt with strengthening relations, and discussed a number of developments.

During the meeting, the ministers approved the Kingdom’s accession to the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives 2015.

They approved a memorandum of understanding between the Saudi Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Oman’s Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology for cooperation in the field of communications, information technology and postal services.

The ministers approved an agreement between the Saudi and Qatari governments in the field of air transport service, and approved a MoU between the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence and the Bahraini Information and e-Government Authority to activate health passports to verify COVID-19 immunization status of of travelers crossing the King Fahd Causeway.

The Cabinet approved amendments to licensing for the practice of law and regulating the licensing of foreign law firms to practice law in the Kingdom, and instructed the finance minister to issue the necessary license to D360 bank, which is under establishment.

Al-Qasabi said the ministers approved an indicative model for an agreement with the Kingdom and other countries encourage and reciprocate investment protection, and authorized the minister of investment to finalize deals with any nation that the Kingdom intends to sign mutual investment protection agreement.

The Cabinet said the state will continue to bear the entry visa fee for seasonal workers of the “Hady and Adahi” project for the Hajj this year’s Hajj season.

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